Heiko von der WiffwinkelSchHIII, IPOII, FH, VB, WH, CDX, TDX, TT, WTF,
(* more to come)

Now available at stud for the very first time, Heiko knocked Europe on its ass by scoring 5 consecutive SchH III scores of 365!

That's right .... this is not a misprint!


All 5 judges agreed, 300 points were not sufficient for this dog, and awarded him an EXTRA 65 points in his last 5 perfect showings.  There are dogs, and there are dogs.  And then there's Heiko!

Heiko puppies are unique, too.  Bitches bred to Heiko become instant 100 point biters, regardless of their previous abilities, and his puppies are BORN biting Frabos.  By 3 months of age, 99% of ALL Heiko puppies are searching 6 blinds, outing cleanly, and doing full tilt courage tests.  WITH OR WITHOUT TRAINING!  This is an obvious benefit for those of us who have families, a job, no car, limited training time, responsibilities, and/or kids.

The natural instincts which Heiko passes to his progeny will absolutely amaze you.  In fact, 7 of Heiko's nachkommen have won every single trial in Germany for the past 2 years.  In the event that more than 1 Heiko offspring is entered in the same trial, the dogs themselves have a meeting to decide who wins what on a particular day.

Heiko's stud fee is an amazing $20 during his first-time-ever campaign in America.  We also offer specially priced Heiko puppies, "certified right" by Paul and Mary Quickbuck for the never-before price of $99.99.  For those of you that know Paul, need we say more?  That's RIGHT!  At these prices, can you afford NOT to have Heiko bloodlines in YOUR kennel?

the actual reprint from New York Times and PEOPLE Magazine!


Late News Flash:  Heiko, chosen from over 10,000 dogs, is starring in the famous XXX-rated canine movie 
"A Dog Called Stud"
starring Heiko as himself and over 25 sexy bitches from top kennels around the world.  

Order YOUR Heiko pre-release tape and see Heiko in full-blast color! 

He's dressed in the very latest in canine pimp clothes, leather, chains, etc.  

Witness a bizarre array of new and different sexual behaviors, positions never before seen by any breeder, and more!  

Warning:  This tape WILL influence your dog and has been known to promote sexually aggressive AND perverted behaviors in some dogs.  This video is NOT intended for puppies, or adult dogs who are easily influenced.  It is SPECIFICALLY NOT recommended for handler aggressive dogs, or dogs who actually bite their owners when corrected. 

Price: $5.99 (FREE with the purchase of a Heiko puppy) 

Sent to your home wrapped in a discreet Schutzhund USA magazine cover.

RETURN to Heiko's HOME Page

Link to the World Famous
Frawley Castle Website
this is whatchoo want!  laugh till ya faint!