Scammers are a disease.  They prey on innocent people who don't even realize they're being played as a victim.  It almost happened to me, and I was fortunate enough to STOP - before I sent any money to anyone.  In time, I learned to recognize the scams.  There are too many variations to list them - but they all have one thing in common: MONEY

Here's a very useful baiting trick - find a very small .wav, .exe, or .dll file someplace on your computer - anything will do.  Copy it to your special SCAM folder.  Rename the file to "money-transfer.doc", "sendmoney.txt" or something equally ridiculous, and send it over to Nigeria.  Let the scammer figure out why it prints out in hieroglyphics.  Obviously, there's something wrong with THEIR computer and printer, cause it prints out perfectly on YOURS!  This can keep them busy for hours.  Try it - you'll like it.  Here's an example - made from a little 4k .gif file.  Just tell the scammer (s)he has to print it on a printer - then it will be fine, and you can SEND THE MONEY!

` ` C ! "$" $ C c " } !1A Qa "q 2 #B R$3br %&456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w !1 AQ aq "2 B #3R br
$4% &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? ^j+PVQ@ :χ/x7t¬x_Ai"dh9 վ+3ĺX>y Ҁ+xUU l}+uXPy&kZv s1~ ݝP\<K ݱ@ ]3 :^֦n/%Bfg $ FPf݂\#+ 6Q {P 8 k]L׌>2W ֵ |_7 luφ} 4W |Un J m'T*  F֥+=LHFEciK^BZ c8U,b_T=Fu 5z =} ge .=  n1[qҫF>j N +}z0 t չ jy|du 5Mr< * )&44mkK cKj F   Qy2 N) `e_ r:t6 +Gy QD.L*F h2]m 9R~\ ^}b5 @ ?vyK/#=gE8{ tFÏ Gjt&P F9^x S: _מ
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Below is one of the forms which I demand as soon as a scammer starts begging for money.  I adapted this from the original, written by the best scambaiter alive.  No form?  Too bad.  No money.  I'm not sending any money anyway, but I like getting the scammers to try and complete the forms.  In 4 years, not even one scammer has ever been able to complete this form!  I have several other forms, and they have to go through printing, answering questions, and dozens of signings.  Then they have to scan each page and send them to me.  Then I always tell them there's something wrong and they must start over, or I can't send the Western Union.  Always.  Sometimes they fill out my one-page form, I laugh, and tell them it didn't scan right, and I can't print it.  If they use blue ink, I tell them it must be black ink.  If they use black ink, I tell them it must be blue ink, because there's previous data filed on them.  The idea: make them jump through hoops - then they get nothing out of it.  Not even a dime. 

The first scam rule is NOBODY gives a damn about you - scams have only one purpose: CASH - YOUR cash.  The second scam rule is very easy: NEVER send any money to anyone - with or without forms.  BAIT - don't send money. 

Anyone who actually cares for you wouldn't ask for money, would they?  How can total strangers, 5,000 miles away, care about you?  They only care about your bank account.

Let the Nigerian scammers waste time, print out forms, and fill them out.  Let them send money orders, bank checks, and other forged, illegal material, re-shipment cartons charged to stolen credit cards.  I've already been there and done that - more times than you want to know.  I'm far too intelligent to fall in, but baiting them and wasting their time is sometimes enjoyable, and it's always good for a laugh. 

What I like the best, is that they're STUPID.  Try using a word like "articulate", "perpetual", "chronic", or "presumptuous" - they haven't got a clue what those words mean.

The United States of America
Department of Homeland Security
Secretary Michael Chertoff
Washington, DC 20528

International Monetary Transfer Security Background Form
Anti-Terrorism Funding, Anti-Money Laundering

Purpose of this Form

The Government of the United States of America requires background information on all foreign nationals currently residing in countries other than the United States of America who are to be in receipt of financial funds or monetary instruments in excess of $50.00 USD from American citizens through non-government authorized channels.

Any American citizen who is found to have transferred any financial funds or monetary instruments in excess of $50.00 USD to any terrorist organization, money laundering scheme, organized crime organization, or any other organization (both within the United States of America and elsewhere) deemed to be illegal according to Executive Orders 10450, 10865, 12333, 12356; or Sections 301 and 9101 of Title 5, U.S. Code is guilty of Supporting or Engaging in Terrorism under Executive Order 13662, sections 2165 and 2201, Title 42, which is a Federal offense, equivalent in severity to Perjury and Sedition, and is punishable by a maximum sentence of 30 years in a Federal penitentiary.

The Government of the United States of America reserves the right to monitor all international transfers of financial funds and monetary instruments occurring under its jurisdiction, and reserves the right to unilaterally suspend, halt, terminate, cancel, void, invalidate, or renege any transfer found to be in breach of the above mentioned statutes.

In order to be in full compliance with sections 781 to 887 of Title 50, U.S. Code; and Parts 5, 732, and 736 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, this form must be completed in full and submitted to the Department of Homeland Security prior to the transfer of any financial funds or monetary instruments in excess of $50.00 USD from an American citizen to any foreign nationals currently residing in countries other than the United States of America.

I have read the information contained on this page and understand my legal responsibilities in the completion of this form.
Name Signature Date



International Monetary Transfer Security Background Form, IMTSBF-7054.651

Organization of this Form

This form consists of three parts. Part 1 contains questions relating to background information of the recipient. Part 2 asks questions about the activities of the recipient, such as criminal history record, use of illegal drugs, and abuse of alcohol. Part 3 asks important security related questions.

Instructions for Completing this Form

1. Follow the instructions given by the person who supplied the form and any other clarifying instructions furnished by that person to assist in the completion of this form.

2. This form must be completed by hand, in black ink, with clearly legible handwritten block letters. Illegible forms are invalid and will not be accepted by the DHS.

3. All questions on this form must be answered. Forms with missing answers are invalid and will not be accepted by the DHS. If no response is necessary or applicable, this must be indicated on the form (for example, enter "NONE" or "N/A"). If an exact date cannot be reported, approximate or estimate the date to the best of your ability and indicate this by marking "APPROX" or "EST".

4. This form cannot be amended after it has been signed. Changes require the form to be completed again in its entirety and subsequently resubmitted to the DHS. Under certain limited circumstances, United States Government Agencies may modify the form consistent with your intent. The BDNA committee must approve any modifications to this form.

5. The State codes (abbreviations) designated by the United States Postal Service (USPS) must be used in the completion of this form. Do not abbreviate the names of cities or foreign countries.

6. The 5-digit postal ZIP codes are required to speed the processing of this form.

7. All telephone numbers must include country and area codes.

8. All dates provided on this form must be in the American Month/Day/Year or Month/Year format. Use numbers (01-12) to indicate months. For example, June 8, 1978, should be shown as 06/08/1978.

9. Whenever "City (Country)" is shown in an address block, also provide in that block the name of the country if the address is outside the United States of America.

10. If additional space is required to list information, a continuation sheet, International Monetary Transfer Security Background Continuation Form IMTSBF-7054.651-CF must be used. Each additional sheet must also be signed.

11. In answering the questions on this form, keep in mind that the answers are legally binding on the American citizen performing the international transfer of financial funds or monetary instruments. Falsifying information is a Federal offense, which will result in the cancellation of the transfer, and is punishable by a maximum sentence of 10 years in a Federal penitentiary.

I have read the information contained on this page and understand my legal responsibilities in the completion of this form.
Name Signature Date



International Monetary Transfer Security Background Form, IMTSBF-7054.651

Disclosure of Information

The information given is for the purpose of determining the eligibility of the recipient for receiving an international transfer of financial funds or monetary instruments from an American citizen. The collection, maintenance, and disclosure of background investigative information is governed by the United States Privacy Act. The companies requesting this form have published legal notices in the Federal Register describing the systems of records in which records will be maintained. The BDNA committee has approved these legal notices.

Copies of the relevant notices may be obtained from the person who supplied this form.

Additional Information

1. Upon completion and receipt of this form, the receiving party shall disclose all information on this form to the Transfer Security Board (TSB) for its review.

2. By completing this form, you are demonstrating that you agree with all information involved. Should any information be found to be unsatisfactory, you will be subjected to redress and retribution, as determined by the TSB.

3. Information provided on this form may be used against you in the future if your actions or responses are considered to be inadequate by the TSB.

4. The TSB may require you to complete this form multiple times if the information is inaccurate, illegible, or unsatisfactory in any way. You are solely responsible for the time and cost of completing this form.

5. Any agreements that you have made with the person who provided you with this form must be abided by while completing this form. If you have previously completed the Religion Renouncing Form, previous Security Forms, previous Confidentiality Agreements, Supply and Distributorship Agreements, Purchasing Agreements, or any other documentation deemed important by the initiator of the international monetary transfer, you will need to complete this form with a different color ink pen and attach it to all previous documentation.

6. The TSB thanks you for your time and cooperation in helping to provide a safer environment for the citizens of the United States of America and its allies.

I have read the information contained on this page and understand my legal responsibilities in the completion of this form.
Name Signature Date



International Monetary Transfer Security Background Form, IMTSBF-7054.651

General Information

Family Name  
Given Name  
Other Names  
Distinguishing features  
Sexual preference  
Residential address  
Business address  
Favorite color  
Favorite food  
Favorite smell  
Favorite song  
Home phone  
Business phone  
Cell phone  
In 25 to 50 words, describe your current mood:


I have read the information contained on this page and understand my legal responsibilities in the completion of this form.
Name Signature Date



International Monetary Transfer Security Background Form, IMTSBF-7054.651

Spousal Information

Family Name  
Given Name  
Other Names  
Distinguishing features  
Sexual preference  
Residential address  
Business address  
Favorite color  
Favorite food  
Favorite smell  
Favorite song  
Home phone  
Business phone  
Cell phone  
Date of marriage  
Place of marriage  
In 25 to 50 words, describe your marriage and spouse:


Offspring Information

Total number of children   
From this marriage  
From other marriages  
Birth dates  
Pet names  
Pet species  

American Citizen Information

Family name  
Other names  
Home phone  
Business phone  
Cell phone  

I have read the information contained on this page and understand my legal responsibilities in the completion of this form.
Name Signature Date



International Monetary Transfer Security Background Form, IMTSBF-7054.651

Identification Information

Spouse's nationality  
Passport number  
Passport color  
Expiration date  
License color  
License expiration  
Supplementary identification documents  
Expired identification documents  
Invalid identification documents  
Illegal identification documents  
Countries visited  
Countries deported from  
Countries refused entry to  
In 25 to 50 words, describe your current approach to travel and foreign destinations:



I have read the information contained on this page and understand my legal responsibilities in the completion of this form.
Name Signature Date



International Monetary Transfer Security Background Form, IMTSBF-7054.651

Health Information Part I

Do you now, or have you
ever, had HIV?
If so, when?  
Do you now, or have you
ever, had AIDS?
If so, when?  
Do you now, or have you
ever, had TARS?
If so, when?  
Do you now, or have you
ever, had TB?
If so, when?  
Do you now, or have you
ever, had any form of
If so, when?  
Have you ever had sexual
intercourse with an HIV
positive person?
If so, when and where?  
Have you ever had
unprotected sexual
intercourse with any
If so, when and where?  
Have you ever had sexual intercourse with any animal or inanimate object? If so, when and where?  
Have you ever illegally
procured or utilized any
protected medications?
If so, when and where?  
Have you ever been
addicted to alcohol?
Which and when?
Treatment received:
Have you ever been
addicted to illicit drugs?
Which and when?
Treatment received:
Have you ever been
addicted to other drugs?
Which and when?
Treatment received:
Have you ever been
addicted to gambling?
How and when?
Treatment received:
Have you ever been
addicted to sex?
How and when? Positions?
Treatment received:
Have you ever been
addicted to compulsive
Why? When?
Treatment received:

Health Information Part II

List physical ailments you are suffering from:  
List physical therapies you are receiving:  
List mental defects you are suffering from:  
List mental therapies you are receiving:  
List chronic ailments you are suffering from:  
List respite therapies you are receiving:  

Health Information Part III

Have you ever been responsible for a person needing to seek medical
Have you ever been responsible for a person committing suicide? Explain:  
Do you now, or have you ever, had suicidal tendencies? Explain:  
Have you ever committed suicide? Explain:  
Are you now, or have you ever been, in a hospital? Explain:  
Did you enjoy your time in the hospital? Explain:  
Have any members of your family been in a hospital? Explain:  
In 25 to 50 words, describe your current state of health affairs:



I have read the information contained on this page and understand my legal responsibilities in the completion of this form.
Name Signature Date



International Monetary Transfer Security Background Form, IMTSBF-7054.651

Criminal Background Information

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Explain:  
Have you ever committed a crime you were not convicted of? Explain:  
Have you ever been convicted of a crime you did not commit? Explain:  
Have you ever engaged in fraudulent or misleading business practices? Explain:  
Have you ever owned or been in possession of a firearm of any kind? Explain:  
Have you ever owned or been in possession of any other arms or munitions? Explain:  
Have you ever committed murder, manslaughter, or rape? Explain:  
Do you enjoy committing crimes and/or inflicting pain upon others? Explain:  
Are you planning to commit a crime in the future? Explain:  
Have you ever committed a crime in the United States of America? Explain:  
Do you secretly want to commit a crime that you haven't tried yet? Explain:  
In 25 to 50 words, describe your current state of mind as it relates to criminal activities:



I have read the information contained on this page and understand my legal responsibilities in the completion of this form.
Name Signature Date



International Monetary Transfer Security Background Form, IMTSBF-7054.651

Financial Information

Bank name  
Bank manager's name  
Savings account amount  
Checking account amount  
Annual income  
Annual expenses  
How much money in taxes have you paid in your home nation this year?  
How much money is in your possession right now?  
Do you have access to bank accounts in any other nations?  
Have you ever committed financial fraud in the United States?  
In 25 to 50 words, describe your current state of financial affairs:



I have read the information contained on this page and understand my legal responsibilities in the completion of this form.
Name Signature Date



International Monetary Transfer Security Background Form, IMTSBF-7054.651

Terrorism Security Information

Are you now, or have you ever been, a terrorist?  
Acts of terrorism you have committed:  
Are you planning on committing any terrorist
acts in the future?
Describe terrorist acts:  
Do you know, or have you ever known, any known terrorists?  
Full names:  
Have you ever been known to know any known or unknown terrorists?  
Full names:  
Are you a member of any legal terrorist organizations?  
Are you a member of any illegal terrorist organizations?  
Do you like, or have you ever liked, any terrorist causes?  
Are you now supporting, or have you ever supported, any terrorist organizations?  
Organization names:  
Have you ever donated money to any terrorist
Which? Exact amounts?  
Have you ever donated money to any charitable organizations in terrorist
Which? Exact amounts?  
Is terrorism the greatest current threat to the security of the United States?  
Describe fully:  
What is the current Threat Advisory Level in the United States?  
Do you know if the Threat Advisory Level will increase in the next 30 days?  
Describe fully:  
Are you a threat to the security of the United
States of America?
Describe fully:  
Have you ever been married to a terrorist?  
Who and when?  
Have you ever had sexual intercourse with a terrorist?  
When and where?  
Have you ever killed a terrorist?  
When and where?  
What is the root cause of terrorism against the United States of America?  
How can the United States of America reduce
Are terrorists threatening your country?  
Have terrorists from your country threatened or attacked the United States of America?  
Spell "terrorism":  
Do you support the War on Terrorism?  
Do you support the War on Fraud?  
Have you ever been to Afghanistan?  
Where and when?  
Have you ever met an Afghani?  
Who and when?  
Have you ever been to Iraq?  
Where and when?  
Have you ever met an Iraqi?  
Who and when?  
Have you ever been to North Korea?  
Where and when?  
Have you ever met a North Korean?  
Who and when?  
Do you know the current whereabouts or location of Osama bin Laden?  
Give full details:  
In 25 to 50 words, describe your current state of mind as it relates to terrorists and terrorism:



I have read the information contained on this page and understand my legal responsibilities in the completion of this form.
Name Signature Date



International Monetary Transfer Security Background Form, IMTSBF-7054.651

Solemn Declaration

By signing this form, I ______________________ do solemnly swear that all information contained herein is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I swear to the Lord our God on the Bible that I am an honorable and trustworthy person who will follow and obey the applicable laws of the United States to any and all transfers of financial funds or monetary instruments conducted with American citizens. I agree to meet any requirements of the American citizen I am involved with regards to transfers of financial funds or monetary instruments, business transactions, international travel and any other relevant interaction. I understand and agree that the information I have provided will not be divulged to a third party without the express written consent of the American citizen involved in the transfer or the Department of Homeland Security.

Passport number  


Investigative agency  
Case number  
Supervisor number  
Operator number  
Operator form number  
Secretary number  
Transaction number  
SB number  
DHS form number  
Completed in full: Y / N  
Form Approved: Y / N  
Supplementary codes  
Supervisor signature and ID:


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